At Nicholas Humphreys - Sheffield Broomhill & Crookes, we can help you move home without the added struggle of finding extra cash for a deposit.

Why tenants should come to Nicholas Humphreys – Sheffield Broomhill & Crookes to save money on rental deposits.

There’s a new study showing that 43 per cent of tenants want rental deposits to be dropped and replaced with some other scheme alternative without having to pay large sums of money up front. 

A recent study claims the average renter loses over £300 per tenancy due to lost interest and inflation because of what it calls “forced participation” in deposit protection schemes.

Forcing tenants to pay large up-front deposits may mean many people could struggle to move between properties.

At Nicholas Humphreys (Sheffield – Broomhill & Crookes), we recognise that saving for a deposit can be a difficult thing to do especially if a tenant is looking to move into a new property and is still waiting to receive a deposit refund from their previous tenancy.

We are delighted to announce that we have arranged a facility with Blinc-UK Ltd to offer a non-insurance deposit replacement facility for tenants whereby they do not need to struggle to find a deposit to move into their new home. Applying for the deposit replacement facility is an easy thing to do and can be done online from the comfort of your own home next to a cup of tea,

Contact us today on 0114 470 4715 or e-mail us at and ask how Nicholas Humphreys can help you move into your new home without losing sleep over a deposit.